Expectations or motivations

Seven days to go. When six months ago I booked my ticket to Rio, I was not sure if I would have been able to go all the way through my plan. The truth is that this travel will bring me way outside from my confort zone, and this is exciting and scarying in the same way.

When I talk about the trip with other people, sometimes it come up to what are my expectations from this trip. Well I learnt at my own expenses that expectations are the most dangerous subject in this world. Expectations are there to be disregarded, because they tell a lot about yourself, but represent nothing of what the object – or subject – of your expectation really is.

So instead of expectation, I prefere to talk about motivations.

Why one decide at some point to book a two months trip to an unknown continent? The first, easy answer is “because I never went there“. And actually one don’t need any other motivation. Plus if for different reasons you never traveled outside from your home continent, and if soon you are going to turn on the wrong side of 35, the urgency of travel – and travel a lot – looks pretty rightful.

But why South America?

Well, maybe to answer this I would need to proceed with a deep, homemade psychological analysis. But I will spare me (and you) such a bore. I can say that at this point of my life, now that after almost eleven years I am single again, now that I tried – and luckily failed – to adapt to the berliner way of treating people’s feelings, I just need to feel emotions, to feel warmth.

And well, I may be wrong. But South America sounds like that. And right now I don’t need any other motivation.

Song of the post: Brunori SAS – Canzone contro la paura (Song against the fear)

sono canzoni poco consistenti
insomma canzoni come me, che non faccio più ragionamenti
che voglio solo sensazioni, solo sentimenti
e una tazzina di caffè

they are just little songs
in short, songs like me, that I no longer argue
I just want vibes, just feelings
and a cup of coffee